Stats and Fighting

Each mission has its own base BNB reward. Masters stats are used to calculate success rate and the BNB rewards bonus earned per mission. For each fight, the Master needs 200HP, which means if less than 200HP, Monster cannot fight.

Example for Fight with 55% success rate and base reward of 0.025BNB:

  • If Master CE is between 400-490, then fight bonus success rate is 4%

· Total success chance = Base [55%] + Bonus [4%] = 59%

  • If Master LUK is 700, then fight bonus BNB reward if successful is:

· 700*0.025/1000 = 0.0175BNB

· Total rewards = Base [0.025BNB] + Bonus [0.0175BNB] = 0.0425BNB

  • If Master Armor is 500, then HP loss if successful is:

· 500/10 = 50

· Total HP Loss: Base [200HP] - HP gain [50HP] = 150HP Loss

Example for Boss Fight with 80% success chance and base reward of 0.01BN:

  • If Master CE is between 500-590, then fight bonus success chance is 5%

· Total success chance = Base [80%] + Bonus [5%] = 85%

  • If Master LUK is 900, then fight bonus reward is:

· 900*0.01/1000 = 0.009BNB

· Total rewards = Base [0.01BNB] + Bonus [0.009BNB] = 0.019BNB

  • If Master Armor is 320, then HP loss if successful is:

· 320/10 = 32

· Total HP Loss: Base [200HP] - HP gain [32HP] = 168HP Loss

Note: If Master fault the fight, HP will loss 200 directly

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